We are committed to providing all students - those who fulfill their language requirement in our courses and undergraduate majors or minors - with a deeper understanding of the German language and the importance of cultural literacy in an increasingly global world.

We offer challenging language, culture and business courses in German and aim to prepare our students for global citizenship as well as the career path of their choice. We encourage all of our majors and minors to participate in the 4-week summer immersion program in Bamberg, Germany or our exchange program with the P?dagogische Hochschule, Weingarten, which is offered each spring semester. We also have two native speakers from Weingarten on campus each fall semester to work with students.

Because of the generosity of alumni and friends of the German program, we are able to offer the following scholarship opportunities to students:

  • The Hilda Hicks Scholarship for German Studies (open to majors and minors)
  • The Junior Scholarship in German
  • The Samford-in-Germany Scholarship for summer study abroad
  • The Baden-W?rttemberg Stipend for study at the PH in Weingarten