Candidates immerse themselves in doctoral level experiences specially designed to focus on early childhood research, teaching, and service. 

Candidates concentrate on an emphasis or specialization area either Piagetian Theory, early childhood literacy, early childhood curriculum, early childhood teacher leadership, or early intervention/early childhood special education. Preparation focuses on the ability to successfully research and teach at the university level.

To this end, SoE programs are committed to the following four themes:


Programs within the School of Education focus on preparing candidates who can support the development of students from early childhood through high school as well as adult learners.


Programs within the School of Education support the professional growth and differentiation of teachers, counselors, and administrators as they progress from novice to expert in knowledge, skills, and dispositions.


Programs within the School of Education consider inquiry and active reflection to be critical processes in the development of all learners including students, candidates, and faculty.


Programs within the School of Education are based on professional standards and prepare candidates to base their professional practice on standards as well.