• The Department of Physics offers Master of Science (MS) degree programs in physics. The program is designed for students interested in careers in applied physics or research and development, or positions as technical personnel in industry.
  • While the program has a distinct focus on condensed matter physics, the curriculum boasts a wide range of diverse electives and courses of study are highly individualized for each student. Faculty advisors and the department’s graduate committee work closely with students to tailor their academic experience to their unique research interests. Other specialized topics include material physics, smart energy and high energy physics.
  • Funding opportunities such as graduate assistantships, teaching assistantships, fellowships and grants are available. In many cases, teaching assistantships include health insurance and a tuition scholarship.
  • The MS program is designed for students interested in a career as a physicist or placement in a PhD program. Due to the breadth of the field of applied physics, each student’s coursework is carefully tailored to meet the student’s particular interests and needs.