Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Geology and Engineering apply the principles of physics to specific problems. Almost all areas of modern technology involve applications of physics. An undergraduate major in Physics provides a solid foundation upon which to build later work and study in physics, astronomy and engineering.

Why Consider a Physics Major?

A Bachelor's degree in Physics provides an excellent foundation in liberal arts and technology. The Physics BS degree offered by Western Washington University can open a variety of doors for jobs in high tech industries, government labs, and as preparation for graduate school.?

Recent Physics graduates have found positions in a variety of fields including engineering, software development, optoelectronics, failure analysis, and education, among many others. Many graduates have found the skills acquired in our degree program have prepared them for further academic studies in Physics, Astronomy, Engineering, Patent Law, Medical Physics, Medicine, and Education to name a few.

Sample Careers
  • Astronomer?
  • Engineer?
  • Research and Development Scientist
  • Laboratory Technician
  • Software Developer
  • Technical Consultant
  • Physics Teacher
  • Industrial Hygienist
  • Geophysicist
  • Seismologist
  • Optical Devices Designer
  • Satellite Data Analyst
  • Science Writer