The goals and objectives for both the B.S. in Criminal Justice and M.S. in Criminal Justice Administration degrees will be met in this combined program.

This five year program provides both a strong core of professional courses as well as a varied liberal arts background. Students in this program are eligible to attend the Maine Criminal Justice Academy's Pre-Service Training program, which certifies individuals to become eligible for employment as part-time law enforcement officers in the State of Maine, and receive six college credits as well. Students in their fourth year of the program may choose to attend the Maine Criminal Justice Academy's Basic Law Enforcement Training Program to be eligible for employment as a full time law enforcement officer in the State of Maine and receives fifteen college credits as well. After students complete their first year, they are also eligible to do internships in agencies, offices and businesses for hands-on experiential learning in the field.

With the addition of the Master's degree program, students will complete the graduate management curriculum designed to develop and strengthen skills in analysis, decision-making, and implementation. This program balances strengths in the traditional areas of law, budgeting, and policy-making, with careful attention to the development of skills in communication, interpersonal relations, psychology and leadership essential to effective performance in organizations. Students also have the opportunity to participate in experiential internships with organizations related to the Criminal Justice field that they choose.