The B.A. and B.S. degrees are similar in that they are both founded in a traditional liberal arts education. Each major program also requires a set of core courses in principles of economics, intermediate economics, calculus, and statistics. Differences between the two programs include:

  • The total course requirements for the B.A. degree are less than those for the B.S. degree. As a result, students pursuing the B.A. degree have greater flexibility in choosing courses in the liberal arts, including minors outside economics or certificates in administrative sciences or other fields.
  • The B.S. degree is more highly structured and requires a greater courseload.
  • The B.S. degree is more quantitatively and analytically oriented. In addition to the common core, the B.S. has additional required courses in finance, accounting, quantitative economics, mathematics, critical thinking, and computer science.
  • The B.S. degree is focused on preparing students for positions in corporate finance and the financial services sector of the economy, as evidenced by the required core of finance courses.

The B.A. and B.S. degrees and the Administrative Sciences certificates are designed to provide students with the opportunity to tailor a program to suit their specific needs. For students with the goal of a profession in the financial services sector of the economy, for example, the B.S. degree is appropriate. For students anticipating careers in law, for example, the B.A. degree combined with courses outside economics may be more fitting. Those who anticipate careers in business outside the financial sector may consider the B.A., perhaps with an Administrative Sciences certificate, or the B.S. Either of these combinations would provide preparation for a Master of Business Administration (MBA). The accelerated Bachelor?s/Master?s program is well suited for those students with strong quantitative skills who are particularly interested in economic policy applications. Those students whose current goals are less specific, and who are simply looking for a general degree designed to develop their ability to think creatively and independently, should consider the B.A. in Economics.