• Upon graduating with a BA degree in classics at Johns Hopkins, students will:
  • Read a minimum of the two ancient languages (ancient Greek or Latin) at an intermediate level of competence: translating accurately, moderately difficult ancient texts in the relevant language(s); and to identify and effectively use appropriate lexical and grammatical tools as necessary
  • Analyze and interpret the products of cultural activity from the ancient Mediterranean world (principally written texts and visual or material objects) in their original contexts
  • Express their analyses and interpretations in precise, organized, reasoned, persuasive language, in writing or orally as necessary
  • Locate, read, understand, and incorporate into their written or oral analyses modern scholarship, in at least two modern scholarly languages, on whatever question they are addressing. These two modern languages are normally English and either French, German, or Italian
  • Have had the opportunity to pursue a substantial independent research project under faculty guidance. Normally this project takes the form of a BA honors thesis; for students enrolled in the concurrent BA/MA program, it takes the form of a master’s thesis.