• BSc in Physical Activity and Health at the Auburn University is a 4 year, 120-credit program.
  • It is an on-campus program offered on a full-time basis.
  • We live in an era where people have realized the importance of sports and fitness.
  • This field is expanding exponentially with each passing day. So playing sports at your college or school level need no longer be just a hobby.
  • Students can today shape their future in the field by sticking around with physical fitness and pursuing your career in Physical Education.
  • A career in physical education can lead you to a wide range of career options; from being a part of the chosen sport, health clubs, sports good manufacturer, marketing, commentator, sports journalism, trainer, and many other similar options.
  • Although in the beginning students will more likely find jobs as trainers or instructors for a game or sporting event with building their experience over the years, students can probably take this experience and put it to use in sports journalism, marketing, commentator or other related fields.