• BSc in Applied Mathematics at the Auburn University is a 4 year, 120-credit program.
  • It is an on-campus program offered on a full-time basis.
  • BSc Applied Mathematics is an undergraduate-level program that is a lot more than just routine mathematics.
  • Applied mathematics finds real-life applications in a number of fields, bringing solutions to a host of problems in fields as diverse as computing, engineering, mechanics, information technology, communications, sales, and so on.
  • By taking up a career in applied mathematics, students can make an impact as mathematicians or computational scientists in a host of industries and organisations.
  • The field of applied mathematics finds applications in the field such as medicine, genome sequencing, e-commerce, weather forecasting, environment protection, and so on. Thus it can be seen that applied mathematics has varied applications and important ones as well.
  • In this course, one gets to learn about building mathematical models of real-life problems and then simulate them to find the optimum solution.