• BSc in Forest at the Auburn University is a 4 year, 124-credit program.
  • It is an on-campus program offered on a full-time basis.
  • The objectives of the forestry curriculum are to provide: 1) the fundamental knowledge regarding the resources that professional foresters typically manage and the multiple uses, sustaining, and conservation of those resources; 2) a general education integrating physical, social, and biological sciences to prepare the forester for the role as steward of public and private forest resources; and 3) training and skills needed for initial forestry employment, as well as for advancement to higher levels of managerial responsibility.
  • The forestry degree is appropriate for students who seek employment in any aspect of forest resource management, from forest industry lands where timber production is typically the primary objective, to private non-industrial properties where multiple-use predominates, to public lands where recreation or environmental protection is often paramount.
  • The curriculum emphasizes biological, ecological, environmental, social, economic, and ethical considerations in forest management.
  • The required courses in the professional forestry curriculum (FORB, see below) are designed to be taken in sequence and as a block. The work is integrated among courses in each semester and between semesters. Students must pay careful attention to the pre-requisites of the junior and senior year courses, which are strictly enforced by the school, to ensure successful completion of the forestry program.