• BSc in Horticulture - Landscape Horticulture at the Auburn University is a 4 year, 120-credit program.
  • It is an on-campus program offered on a full-time basis.
  • Courses prepare Horticulture graduates for the following careers: nursery manager, landscape designer, landscape installer, landscape maintenance, interior landscaping, plant propagator, city or state horticulturist, extension horticulturist, horticulture writer, horticulture teacher, florist shop manager, greenhouse manager, vegetable producer, orchard manager, chemical company representative, seed company representative or retail garden center manager.
  • Horticulture is the art or practice of growing plants for food, beauty, comfort, and source materials. Those who wish to become professional horticulturists must pursue a B.Sc. Horticulture course. Horticulture is the section of Agricultural Science that mostly deals with ways to cultivate vegetables, fruits, flowers, and herbs and maintain gardens, nurseries, greenhouses, landscaping, and ornamental trees. 
  • The course teaches everything about a plant, from a  seed to a fully grown plant and its care. The scientific knowledge imparted helps to enhance their growth and productivity. The course has many aspects borrowed from Chemistry, Biology, Biochemistry, Genetic Engineering, and other fields. Over six semesters, students are taught everything they need to know related to plants.