Program Learning Objectives:
  • ??? Students will know professional standards of science and responsible conduct of scientists that are essential for the pursuit of knowledge.
  • ??? Students will be able to demonstrate a depth of knowledge within their area of study.
  • ??? Students will be able to write a research proposal.
  • ??? Students will know how to design and complete a research study and/or scientific experiment.
  • ??? Students will be able to process and analyze data to make sound interpretations.
  • ??? Students will be able to communicate scientific ideas in both written and oral forms to diverse audiences.

Program Overview:

The Environmental and Plant Biology M.S. graduate program provides educational and research experience in plant biology from the molecular to the organismal and ecosystem levels.? Most students are trained within three general areas of study: plant ecology, plant systematics and evolution, or plant molecular and cellular biology. The program strives to foster communication across and beyond these areas of study to provide unique opportunities to meet each student?s specific career goals.

The M.S. program is designed to train and prepare students to be successful in a Ph.D. program or positions in industry, government, or non-governmental organizations. Each student will be directed in the conduct of independent research in the pursuit of knowledge. Students are mentored in grantsmanship to support their own research with internal and external funding. Students have hands-on teaching experience because the program provides a teaching assistantship.

As teaching assistants, students have the opportunity to assist in a variety of courses and interact with faculty. All students are exposed to the national and international plant biology community through colloquia, seminars, and scientific meetings that will aid them in achieving their post-M.S. career goals.?