• MSc in Geological Sciences at Ohio University is offered as a 2-years program.
  • This university ranked #5 in Athens ranked Best College Town in Ohio in 2021 (Far & Wide).
  • It is an on-campus program offered on a full-time basis only.
  • The Master of Science in Geological Sciences program combines graded coursework and thesis research to train students in advanced geological and scientific analysis. 
  • Students conduct research in collaboration with a faculty adviser in one of three research clusters: solid earth and planetary dynamics, sedimentary geology and paleobiology, and environmental and surficial processes. 
  • Thesis research trains students in all stages of scientific investigation including hypothesis generation, data collection and analysis, interpreting research data, and presenting those results in a written thesis and oral presentation.
  • Students also are trained in grantsmanship and encouraged to participate in scientific meetings. 
  • The Department of Geological Sciences' mission is to introduce problem-solving, critical thinking, and basic concepts using the earth sciences and show how modern observations can be extended into deep time. 
  • Graduates will be able to identify geological problems, formulate hypotheses to address geologic problems, and generate high-quality written proposals for investigating geologic questions.
  • The MSc program consists of 30 credits.