Founded in 1970 as an interdisciplinary graduate program, the Environmental Studies Program follows a learning-by-doing model of research, study, and application on a range of cross-cutting issues. Housed within the Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Affairs, the program enables students to grapple with pressing environmental and energy problems through in-depth academic research and training, hands-on project experiences with public and private profit and nonprofit sector partners, and professional publishing and presentation opportunities.

Program Learning Objectives

  • Complete an interdisciplinary curriculum that optimizes understanding of the environment;
  • Formulate research questions and implement methods to answer these questions;
  • Express an enhanced understanding of environmental issues in the form of a thesis or leadership practicum;
  • Demonstrate improvement in written and oral communication skills through numerous opportunities for preparing written reports and presenting orally;
  • Participate in learning activities that provide service to the university and community; and
  • Prepare for environmental careers in the public or private sectors or for doctoral programs in environmental fields.