The Bachelor of Fine Arts curriculum provides a foundation on which to build a career as a performer, choreographer or teacher. Core curriculum in dance emphasizes developing performance skills through the study of technique, and fostering creative abilities through the study of choreography. Other major coursework provides a broad knowledge in dance history, ethnology, kinesiology, music, and the teaching of dance. A minimum of 128 credit hours are required for the B.F.A. in Dance.

The first year of the program introduces the dancer to the expectations of the school for its pre-professional training program.

The second year of the program deepens the discipline and practice of dance for the B.F.A. major in Choreography and Performance.Students are expected to devote more time to their work outside the usual class period.

The third year intensifies focus on training and the application of knowledge in a variety of areas including kinesiology and teaching courses.A Junior choreography project is undertaken in the spring of the junior year to prepare the B.F.A. major for the senior capstone project work.

The final year refines the dancer's technique, choreographic production and concert management in a senior choreographic project.Students who have an interest in teaching may be invited to teach under supervision.