Students can earn a Bachelor of Arts degree in German (with options for completing a minor, a major with teaching licensure, as well as a certificate program). The wide array of courses students take with us include conversation, composition, German for business, German-language literature, cultural studies, and German film.  The Language Resource Center in Gordy Hall provides a great number of audiovisual materials and technological tools to assist you in your German studies. 

The German Program also offers a study abroad program in Salzburg, Austria which takes place every spring semester, allows participants to earn 15 hours of OU credit, and can accommodate a group of 20 students.  Our students also have plenty of opportunity to become involved and improve their skills outside the classroom. Extra-curricular activities include Stammtisch, our weekly conversation hour, and numerous fun and informal events throughout the year hosted by German Club, an organization open to everybody interested in the German-speaking countries. Last but not least, OU boasts a lively chapter of the German Honor Society, Delta Phi Alpha.