Students may choose from a wide variety of courses in subjects such as statistics, numerical analysis, real and complex analysis, Fourier analysis, linear and nonlinear programming, ordinary and partial differential equations, dynamical systems, algebraic coding theory, bioinformatics, and optimization. Students also take courses outside the Mathematics Department in fields where math is applied. In fact, many students in applied mathematics are enrolled in two majors.The applied mathematics major offers a strong program in mathematical techniques and ways of thinking that can be used in a wide variety of careers. The major covers core topics that provide a common structure, while leaving flexibility to pursue topics of interest.Other majors in the mathematical sciences offered by the Mathematics Department are a B.S. in mathematics, actuarial science, mathematical statistics, and meteorology. The department also offers a B.A. in mathematics as a flexible and attractive option for students considering a double-major.When planning any program of study in mathematics, it is strongly recommended that you consult an advisor from the Department.