It is important to study geography because many of the world’s problems require understanding the interdependence between human activities and the environment. Geography is, therefore, a beneficial major for students because its theories and methods provide them with analytical skills relevant to occupations focused on solving social and environmental problems. The Geography Department offers eight majors that help students tailor their focus of study.

The Geography - Geographic Information Science (GIScience) major provides students a strong technical background in quantitative geographic analysis, geographic information systems, and related mapping technologies. Whether pursuing a career or graduate studies, students completing the major will be proficient with GIS, remote sensing, and cartographic theory and software-based applications.

The department is committed to excellence in both teaching and advising. Several faculty members have received teaching awards, and the department is known across campus for the quality of its advising. A geography major meets meet one-on-one with his or her faculty adviser every semester during advising week, and students are always welcome to talk with their adviser at any time throughout the semester whenever questions may arise. In addition to advising students about their academic programs, faculty provide timely information about internships, nationally competitive awards, and other opportunities as they arise. Many students complete internships, and over the last few years have received nationally competitive awards.

Careers and Graduate School

Career opportunities for students with a degree in Geographic Information Science (GIS) are abundant in both the private sector and with government agencies. Career tracks include, but are not limited to, the following: geospatial data technician, geospatial database manager/administrator, cartographer, remote sensing imagery analyst, GIS analyst, software designer, GIS educator, and project manager.

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