• MA in Sociology at Ohio University is offered as a 1.5-year program.
  • This university ranked #5 in Athens ranked Best College Town in Ohio in 2021 (Far & Wide).
  • It is an on-campus program offered on a full-time basis only.
  • The Master of Arts in Sociology at Ohio University seeks to train students for advanced graduate training or employment in a variety of applied settings.
  • The department maintains a strong emphasis on the theories and methods of the discipline while maintaining strengths in the areas of criminology/deviance, gender studies, and inequality.
  • A variety of opportunities exist for students to obtain training and experience both inside and outside the classroom.
  • Sociology faculty members are actively engaged in research and publication, provide leadership in regional and national professional associations, and have received numerous awards for teaching excellence.
  • Students are encouraged to apprentice with faculty members on research projects, teaching internships, and related professional experiences.
  • Students also may choose to work at various institutes and centers in the university or to participate in an interdisciplinary program such as international and area studies, women's studies, and environmental studies.
  • Students will demonstrate an advanced understanding and ability to use sociological paradigms, theories, and concepts.
  • Ohio University's graduate program in Sociology is designed to offer flexibility that permits students to maximize their unique interests and capabilities. 
  • Sociologists at Ohio University study how social behavior becomes organized, institutionalized, and transformed at the macro level of societal change, the micro level of individual belief and action, and everything in between.
  • The program supports the mission of the university and the College of Arts & Sciences "to advance the interrelated areas of teaching, research, and outreach in a learning-centered community" that "foster(s) creativity, scholarly discovery, and academic excellence."
  • The goal of this program is to provide training in foundational critical learning, analytical, and research skills combined with breadth and depth of knowledge about social, cultural, and behavioral processes and the diversity of human experience to prepare students with the knowledge and skills they need to be productive community members and citizens of the society in which they live.
  • The MA program consists of 32 credits.