The honors tutorial program builds upon the strengths of the School of Communication Studies (COMS) in three main areas:

  • Public advocacy (including political communication and argumentation).
  • Relational and organizational communication (including health and environmental communication as well as family, group, and intercultural interactions).
  • Rhetorical criticism (including verbal, audio-visual, digital, and physical environments).

The HTC program in communication studies aims to provide the student with a comprehensive understanding of communication theory along with a specialization in a context or theme and relevant research methods. The first two years of the program include core classes taken with other COMS majors, optional tutorials in other core classes, and customized tutorials developed by the student in consultation with the director of studies. The third and fourth years focus on development of research methods, advanced topics, the honors thesis, and preparation for a career or graduate education. Because intercultural communication is increasingly important in today?s world, students are encouraged to study abroad and learn a second language during their undergraduate years. Students will receive a degree of Bachelor of Science in Communication from the Honors Tutorial College.


Each semester the student will complete a tutorial of at least 4 hours on a topic chosen in consultation with and approved by the director of studies and the faculty tutor. In the fall semester of the first year, the student will complete an introductory tutorial, which may cover such topics as interpersonal relationships, communication contexts (small groups, health, public advocacy), scholarly writing, and research traditions. Every tutorial will cover its theme in depth and will conclude with a significant product appropriate to the topic. Tutorials are geared to each student?s specific interests and career plans. Students who choose to study abroad may have one or more of the above required courses and/or tutorials waived by the director of studies.