Program Learning Objectives:

Successful graduates of the Master of Science in Civil Engineering have accomplished the following:

  • ??? Advanced their knowledge base beyond the undergraduate level, particularly in their chosen specialty;
  • ??? Developed leadership skills necessary to assume progressively more responsible roles in their profession;
  • ??? Exhibited effective communication skills necessary to interact in a diverse professional environment; and
  • ??? Employed modern engineering and computational tools.

Program Overview:?

The Civil Engineering Department offers a Master of Science degree program with focus areas of construction engineering and management, environmental engineering, geotechnical engineering, structural engineering, transportation engineering, and water resources engineering.

Opportunities for Graduates:

Because of the broad nature of civil engineering, a wide range of career paths is available to graduates of the program.? For example, some graduates can work for private firms as structural or geotechnical engineers.? Some graduates may be hired by construction contractors as construction management professionals.? Others may find opportunities in government agencies to work as transportation or environmental engineers.? The program?s offering of advanced courses in various specialty areas of civil engineering and strong research track record assure that some graduates will be ready to pursue Ph.D. degrees in civil engineering related programs available throughout the U.S. and beyond.