The Music Department's goals and objectives for academic and artistic enrichment of the university and the extended community include: (1) offering curricula leading to a baccalaureate degree and graduate programs that provide students with the opportunity to realize their inherent musical potential, (2) offering degree options that recognize and nurture students’ abilities and talents to make contributions of excellence in the fields of music, and (3) preparing students for further graduate study and/or professional careers in music by meeting curricula criteria, performance standards, and academic expectations.

All prospective majors at the University of Texas Arlington must audition for proper placement in their respective performance areas and take a music theory placement test. Information concerning auditions and placement tests is available in the Music Office.

All music majors (and transfer students) are required to pass the sophomore proficiency exam on their major instrument. Students can only attempt the proficiency exam two times. If they fail the sophomore proficiency exam the first time, they will be required to enroll in MUSI 2222 the following semester. At the end of MUSI 2222, students will be required to attempt the proficiency exam for a last time. If students do not successfully pass the proficiency exam, they will not be allowed to remain a music major.