The study of history explores the basic forces that have shaped human affairs and is therefore a means for dealing with present concerns and future problems. An appreciation of our heritage develops a sense of our identity. Historical inquiry also provides the necessary background for the study of other disciplines such as economics, literature, art, language, and the social as well as natural sciences.

The History Department encourages an open and questioning attitude toward the diversity of human experiences and ideas. An awareness of cultural differences between various groups of people will provide insights concerning the basic issues of world civilization. Students of history are encouraged to read analytically, speak cogently, and write coherently.

Both the curriculum and the methodology of the History Department are multifaceted. The History Department, therefore, requires that students take courses in both chronological and topical areas in United States and world history. The history faculty specializes in such diverse methodologies as quantitative analysis and social and political history, as well as the more traditional biographical and narrative approaches. Thus students are exposed to the many ways of studying the past and the present.

A degree in  at the University of Texas Arlington prepares students for a variety of careers, including teaching, archival administration, business, journalism and communications, historical preservation, law, and public affairs. More importantly, by providing insight into the causes and effects of change in society, a knowledge of history prepares every individual for life in a complex world.