Students in the Bachelor of Science (BS) in at the University of Texas Arlington will be exposed to the latest data analysis and visualization programs used in the business world and gain analytic skills that are valuable to both employers and graduate schools. 

Students who plan to earn a degree in economics in one of the specialized fields listed below should consider the following suggestions as to their choice of elective economics courses:

  • Those planning to do graduate work in economics should include two semesters of calculus, as well as linear algebra in their program. Additional math courses are encouraged and should be selected with assistance from the Economics Department's graduate advisor.
  • Those planning to apply for law school admission should include ECON 3305 Laws and Economics and ECON 3335 among their economics electives.
  • Those planning to pursue careers in the health sector should include ECON 3301 and ECON 4311 among their economics electives.
  • Those planning to work as an economic analyst should include Industrial ECON 3313, and ECON 4311 among their economics electives.