• Courses span clinical, cognitive, critical, cultural, developmental, political, and psychoanalytic psychology; cognitive and affective neuroscience; and the psychology of language, music, and perception. Students are encouraged to explore psychology from multiple perspectives, since integrating a range of approaches will lead to richer investigations and the construction of new questions.
  • Courses in the School of Critical Social Inquiry use ethnographic and other interpretive/participatory research methods to explore psychology in relation to society, culture, and subjective constructions of human experience.
  • Courses in the School of Cognitive Science focus on observational and experimental research approaches, introducing students to a range of methodologies for exploring attention, language, memory, neuroscience, emotion, social cognition, and music perception while providing opportunities for students to become involved in the research process. Students are encouraged to formulate critical questions about the field of psychology itself and to evaluate how we come to understand psychological processes.
  • Students at Hampshire are encouraged to extend their knowledge of psychology to other disciplines. While some students go on to pursue graduate study in clinical, developmental, or cognitive psychology; psychoanalysis; neuropsychology; or social work, others use psychological perspectives to inform their work in literature, the arts, and other fields.