Are you more interested in math and science or the humanities and social sciences? Even as an undecided student in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, answering this question will help you narrow your course selection so that you can start off on the right path. If you're interested in math or sciences, your adviser may recommend that you consider more advanced math and science courses. If you're interested in the humanities, such as English, history, social sciences, or the performing arts, your adviser might recommend a curriculum that includes more liberal arts classes, in addition to basic math and science courses.

The best advice for you as you explore your academic and professional possibilities in college is to take advantage of a broad and rigorous curriculum in general education, which includes languages. You will take a half-semester orientation class (LAS 101) that provides information on Iowa State resources, study skills, majors, careers, registration, and academic standards. Your adviser will also direct you to Career Services, where you may use the Discover program - a program that generates occupational options - and work with staff who will help you identify your professional options.