• Often it’s hard to tell the difference when New Media Studies students are working or playing, and that’s something we're proud of. When we play, we’re curious. We explore. We lose track of time. When faced with a challenge, we invent a way through. Those are the skills that new opportunities in digital media demand a hardworking sense of play.
  • Sharing involves more than just knowing how to export a file. Today it can mean knowing how to brainstorm with someone a thousand miles away. It can mean reaching out and modifying a design for the needs of a community. It can mean crewing up, adapting to different roles, and celebrating when everyone delivers.
  • New Media Studies students are well-versed in theory. They know their fields and are skilled in analysis. But they also make robots. They design games. They shoot award-wining films. They test acoustics by building guitars. Hands-on experiences and applied projects are at the heart of the program and often lie behind students proudest achievements.