The?Biology curriculum?prepares students to pursue careers in scientific research and medicine or to apply their biology education to fields as diverse as law, medical illustration, public health, and science education.? Whatever their chosen field, our alumni are well-respected, often?published?members of their professional communities.

The biology curriculum is designed to provide students an opportunity to study the principles governing life processes within the broader context of the liberal arts. ?

Courses and independent research experiences are designed to develop each student's ability to acquire and interpret data, pose questions, and critically evaluate evidence and theories.?

For?Non-Majors, the department offers a wide variety of courses that address topics such as biodiversity, the human body, or the biology of birds.

The curriculum for?Biology Majors?allows students to investigate the science of life at all levels, from molecular biology to population ecology (Major Courses).? Students are also encouraged to engage in life science beyond the traditional classroom; our Biology?Honors Program,?Biology Seminar Program,?Off-Site Opportunities, and?Research?with faculty are three ways in which this may be accomplished. ?By proper selection of biology and other science courses, a Biology major will be prepared for graduate school in the life sciences, for admission to medical, dental, veterinary, and other health profession schools, and for positions in government or industry.