?Business majors have successfully launched their careers in a wide range of fields and activities, including the non-profit, arts, media, healthcare, and financial services industries. Some students combine a business major with accounting and have been especially successful in finding positions with "Big Four" accounting firms. Business is often the major of choice for students who wish to apply for law school. Many students, regardless of major, will eventually pursue a Master's degree in Business Administration (MBA). A business major provides an excellent foundation for MBA studies.
The business program offered at Muhlenberg is especially appropriate for liberal arts students who want to understand more fully the international society in which we live and its aspirations. It emphasizes critical thinking, effective communication, and collaborative effort. The international, environmental, and ethical dimensions of business decisions are interwoven throughout the business curriculum, and there is a deep faculty commitment to instilling a love of learning and an appreciation of learning as a lifetime activity. The business program offers students four areas of concentration, plus an education abroad alternative , that build upon a commonly shared combination of foundation and core courses. In addition, all business majors, regardless of their concentration, enroll in the capstone course Business Policy & Strategy. This culminating experience, taken in spring of the senior year, integrates all earlier work in the major and exposes students to the interaction between the various functional areas within an organization.
Concentrations are available in the following areas: Arts Administration,?Entrepreneurial Studies, Management and Organization Studies, and Marketing. Students interested in finance may choose the Finance Major in the Accounting, Business and Economics Department. In addition, participation in a department approved education abroad program may be substituted for, or used to complement, a concentration in meeting the requirements of the business major. In consultation with their advisors, students also may "self-design" a concentration. Students who are business majors or minors cannot take accounting, business, economics, or finance courses on a pass/fail basis.