The Muhlenberg Art Department was founded in 1953 by internationally famous sculptor George Rickey. Since then we have grown into the interdisciplinary, interactive, and international department we are today. We strive to provide a focused, rigorous curriculum in visual arts, set within the broad-based liberal arts programming which is the hallmark of a Muhlenberg education. Our students may major or minor in?studio art?or?art history. Students may also now double major/minor in both areas. Many?graduates?have been accepted to MFA and PhD programs across the country and abroad and go on to pursue diverse fields such as art education, publication editing and design, medical illustration, medicine, and law.

As part of the liberal arts, introductory art history courses are designed for students from any discipline and often fulfill general education requirements. Art history classes include both general historical surveys and in-depth analyses of particular periods. The department offers both a major and minor in art history.

The curriculum of the art history major and minor is designed to prepare students to describe, analyze, and interpret visual art in light of social, political, religious, racial, economic, and aesthetic issues, and to understand the fundamental methodological issues of the field. The art history major consists of two introductory art history courses and seven additional courses. The majority of advanced art history courses are offered on a three-year rotating schedule. Art history majors may undertake an internship in museum/gallery studies or an independent study in research methods/intensive reading. Our majors are encouraged to double major/minor, study abroad, and take interdisciplinary courses outside of the department. Students may now also double major/minor in Art History & Studio Art.