Courses in the major provide students with conceptual and analytic tools to assess the social impacts of media as well as to explore media production as a form of creative expression and critical civic engagement. All courses are informed by concerns for the value-related issues and controversies raised by media practices. The major prepares students for graduate study and provides education for careers in digital media, journalism, broadcast media, publishing, advertising, public relations, political advocacy, media law, teaching, film, video, and new media production. An optional internship permits students to explore the relevance of their studies to communication practices in a professional setting.

Here, critical thinking meets hands-on experience. Many students link their studies with service to the community. Most students immerse themselves in professional media environments through our internship program.

Graduates from our program have an edge as they enter media industries from Barcelona to Los Angeles. Others pursue graduate studies in law, journalism, film and video production, mass communication, and education. Our aim is to foster graduates who are not only information literate, but who become information leaders in helping to realize the democratizing potential of media.