• The  program of study and activities range from Theatre, Dance, and Opera, to Television and Film, Concerts and Special Events, and the new emerging digital, electronic, and interactive performing arts. Students can focus their studies in a number of areas, including Scenic, Costume, Lighting, and Sound Design/Production, Computer-Based Design and Visualization, 3D Modeling and Animation, Interactive Technology, and similar high-tech disciplines. 
  • Students are provided a wide range of practical and theoretical classes, hands-on production experiences, and actual design opportunities. Interdisciplinary programs of study and activities are highly encouraged. There are yearly portfolio reviews for continuation in the program of study. 
  • A solid design and technology core set of classes, state-of-the-art training facilities, hands-on experience, and outstanding faculty and staff are strengths of the B.F.A. program in Design and Technology for Performance.