• Chemical engineers are on the forefront of rapidly developing areas that include biotechnology and biomedicine, semiconductor manufacturing and data storage devices, and advanced materials with precisely-controlled microstructures. is also widely applied to environmental protection and remediation, process safety, and hazardous waste management.
  • The chemical engineering course of study at UNM offers broad training in the fundamentals of mathematics, physics, chemistry, and the engineering sciences. These are integrated with the chemical engineering "core," which includes thermodynamics; heat, momentum, and mass transport; chemical reaction engineering; design; and process control.
  • Chemical engineers are at the forefront of biotechnology and biomedicine, semiconductor manufacturing and data storage devices, and advanced materials. Chemical engineering is also widely applied to environmental protection and remediation, process development and safety, and hazardous waste management.
  • The Chemical Engineering undergraduate program at the University of New Mexico offers broad training in the fundamentals of mathematics, physics, chemistry and the engineering sciences. 
  • These are integrated with the chemical engineering “core” which includes thermodynamics, heat, momentum and mass transport, chemical reaction engineering, design, and process control. More than half of our undergraduate students participate in the cutting-edge research projects of our faculty, sometimes leading to opportunities to travel and present at conferences.
  • Among the exciting research areas, UNM chemical engineers apply principles of biology to address drug delivery for cancer treatment and understand the mechanisms of degenerative diseases, and develop new materials for tissue repair, medical diagnosis, and next-generation energy technology.
  • This research is conducted in well-funded programs through the Center for Biomedical Engineering, Center for Emerging Energy Technology, and the Center for Microengineered Materials.