• The student planning to study pure mathematics is expected to have taken the courses usually included in an undergraduate major, that is, linear algebra, abstract algebra and advanced calculus. 
  • To pursue the program in applied mathematics the student should have taken advanced calculus, linear algebra and have some familiarity with differential equations and scientific computing. Faculty may choose to admit promising students lacking an adequate undergraduate background to the graduate program, but such students are required to remove undergraduate deficiencies.
  • There is no minor requirement. The thesis option is best suited for students seeking jobs in industry or government laboratories. At least 18 credit hours (Plan I) or 24 credit hours (Plan II) of the program must be in the department. Knowledge of a foreign language is not required. 
  • Courses required for a concentration in Pure Mathematics include: MATH 510, 520, 535, and 561. Credit must be earned in at least two of the following courses: MATH 511, 521, 536, or 562. The remaining courses are electives that are approved by the student’s faculty advisor.
  • Courses required for a concentration in Applied Mathematics are: MATH 504, 512, 513, 514, and 561. The following courses are recommended for students under Plan II: MATH 505, 510, and 583. The remaining courses are electives that are approved by the student’s faculty advisor.