• Successful applicants must in addition to University Requirements, submit current (within the last 5 years) GRE General Test scores, three letters of recommendation, two writing samples, and a letter of intent. The Sociology Department recommends applicants have 12 credit hours of advanced undergraduate sociology courses, including statistics and methods courses (or the equivalents). We also recommend college-level algebra or its equivalent. In addition, such factors such as the University's commitment to affirmative action, the applicant's non-academic experience, and the ability of the department to provide faculty guidance and courses in the applicant's areas of interest are considered.
  • Prior to taking the comprehensive examinations, a Comprehensive Exam Committee must be appointed which consists of at least three University of New Mexico faculty members approved for graduate instruction. The chairperson must be a regular faculty member approved by the student's graduate unit. A doctoral student must apply for and be admitted to doctoral candidacy after completing all course work and passing the comprehensive examination.
  • The Dissertation Committee?consists of at least four members approved for graduate instruction: two members must hold regular, full-time faculty appointments at the University of New Mexico; one member must be from the student's graduate unit; the dissertation chairperson must be a regular (tenured or tenure-track), full-time member of the University of New Mexico faculty; a required external member must hold a regular full-time appointment outside the student's unit/department at the University of New Mexico. This member may be from the University of New Mexico or from another accredited institution; one member may be a non-faculty expert in the student's major research area. Doctoral candidates must be enrolled during the semester in which they complete degree requirements, including the summer session.