The mission of the Program at the University of New Mexico is to improve educational opportunities and services for the following individuals and their families.

  • Persons with exceptionalities
  • Students at risk of school failure
  • Others facing significant life challenges

The mission of our program is accomplished by the study and practice of teaching, research, and service in a variety of multicultural environments.

  • We recruit and prepare competent and caring professionals and other personnel who serve individuals with exceptionalities and their families. Implicit in these activities is the belief that learning is a lifelong process.
  • We conduct inquiry and disseminate research and information related to issues affecting individuals with exceptionalities and their families.
  • We provide professional services to individuals with exceptionalities and their families, as well as to other stake holders who play a key role in their lives.

In carrying out our mission we remain consistent with the College of Education in valuing excellence in all we do; diversity of people and perspective; relationships of service, accountability, collaboration, and advocacy; discussion and dissemination of ideas; and innovation in teaching, technology, and leadership.