Why should you learn another language?
  • Learning other languages helps increase your knowledge of the world by communicating with the global community.
  • Speaking more than one language facilitates the discovery of diverse peoples and societies - their humor, literature, newspapers, television, web sites, movies and more..
  • Research reveals that by studying a foreign language you can improve your analytical and interpretive capabilities, essentially sharpening the skills necessary to succeed in school.
  • Bilingual and multilingual students have the advantage of developing their research projects by studying original documents from other countries, as well as from their own country.
  • Increasingly, global businesses need workers with a variety of skills who can communicate in different languages and understand other cultures.
  • If you have advanced your second or third language skills beyond the basics, learning the sound systems and expressions ? if you have broadened your perspective by getting to know a community from the inside you will have a real advantage in seeking employment in the global market.

Got a career? Choose the best degree path for your goals:

  • Some of the careers that a major in can lead to include Interpreting, Teaching, Editing, Publishing, and Scholarship.
  • The skills you develop while earning your degree involve communicative competencies and professionalized Spanish language usage.
  • You also obtain cultural knowledge through the study of literature, linguistics, critical thinking and textual analysis.
  • Careers that are supported by a second major in Spanish are too numerous to mention. Some examples include Medicine and Health, Social Work, International Peace, Justice and Development, Business and the Legal System.