The program will serve as a solid academic foundation for advanced study in nursing at the graduate level. The BSN program is offered in both an online format and on-campus format, providing flexibility and learning style choices for the adult student and working professional.

The graduate will be prepared to assume a leadership role in the health care delivery system using gained experience, research, and technology for evidence-based decision making.? The baccalaureate graduate will be able to deliver, design, and coordinate care for a variety of individuals from diverse backgrounds to improve client outcomes.

The core foundation nursing courses are arranged to increase the student's knowledge base and skill level for the expanded role as a baccalaureate-prepared practitioner.

A professional capstone course (NURS 8013) is required as a culminating educational experience of the BSN program.? To further advance the student's knowledge base and skill level, there are clinical components integrated within the program.

Meeting the needs of registered nurses seeking a bachelor's degree, the BSN program is offered primarily as an online format.? This provides flexibility and learning style choices for the adult student and working professional.

A computer with Internet access, webcam, and Microsoft Office is required for the nursing program.? Written work must be submitted in Word format.?

Students are permitted to repeat an upper-level (5000 or higher) nursing core course one time only.? If a student is unsuccessful in the same nursing course twice, they will be unable to progress in the nursing program.

Bachelor-level students are expected to write at a BS level proficiency, using APA format. Writing proficiency, grammar, spelling, and APA formatting are all essential elements of every nursing course.? Failure to write at a BS level may result in failure of nursing course work.