• Social work is a calling, and only a special type of person is ready to answer. Social Work relies on a deep commitment to others, to wellness, and to social justice?the same principles on which Saint Rose was founded. While the practice of serving others may be a tradition here, our masters? program is anything but traditional?and is singularly focused on your educational goals. Our core curriculum, in both generalist and specialized practice, is well designed to advance your clinical skills, and, the choice of focus and field work is yours, from health care, family services and LGBTQ issues to addiction, homelessness and criminal justice. What?s more, class schedules are also designed around your needs, letting you earn your degree without sacrificing other commitments.
  • What?s most unique about the Saint Rose program, however, is its underlying principle of health and wellbeing: a focus on prevention, rather than just treatment after the fact. We focus on what we can do to improve lives, prevent crisis, build community, reject marginalization and promote equality and understanding. And we take a proactive interest in the lives of communities, whether through program and policy development or community organizing. In fact, many of our grads go on to tackle politics, policy or law?a commitment to social justice that?s both relevant and a reminder of what social work should be.