The University of Akron founded its graduate program leading to a Master of Arts (M.A.) degree in Theatre Arts with an option in Arts Administration in 1980. Today, the program is housed in the School of Dance, Theatre, and Arts Administration in the Buchtel College of Arts and Sciences, welcoming students from a variety of artistic, educational, and professional backgrounds.

The M.A. in Arts Administration is awarded after the successful completion of a minimum of 45 credit hours of graduate course work, the completion of a professional internship experience, and the acceptance of a written thesis. 

The curriculum provides students with a philosophical base for decision-making and planning, as well as a comprehensive range of techniques for working effectively in the field.

Although core courses are offered by Arts Administration faculty, an essential part of the Arts Administration master's program is the selection of courses in such areas as business, communications, law, computer technology, and public administration.