• The degree Master of Music is offered by the School of Music with options in music education, performance, composition, theory, music history, and literature, and accompanying. 
  • The student should consult with the coordinator of Graduate Studies in Music for additional information regarding the individualized nature of each option.
  • The program's main goal is to provide musical and educational leadership in meeting the challenges of a rapidly changing musical environment while ensuring sound training in traditional areas of study.
  • The program also provides a rigorous performance and academic education for students who qualify for professional careers in music.
  • Students will develop complete musicians, capable of communicating the essence of their art through performance, teaching, the written word and verbal discourse, who are able to assume upon graduation leadership roles in the musical community, regionally, statewide, and nationally, and who are able to pursue advanced studies at other institutions.
  • After completion of all coursework, the student must pass an examination covering the graduate program. This examination is individualized for each candidate’s unique program.