• An associate degree in criminal justice prepares you for a career in the criminal justice professions, providing a background in the foundational terminology of the criminal justice system.
  • In NSU's program, you'll be exposed to introductory-level courses in criminal law, criminal procedure, criminology and the correctional field. Study in these areas will illuminate the intricate relationships among the police, the courts and corrections. You'll come to understand how the criminal justice system addresses the needs of all its actors, including offenders, victims, the families of victims and perpetrators, society, and criminal justice personnel. Equipped with this knowledge, you'll be better prepared to deal with the complex issues facing today's criminal justice professional.
  • Applicants with a criminal justice degree will be more competitive for entry-level employment in local, county and state law enforcement and correctional agencies in South Dakota and throughout the Midwest. While a candidate for employment in criminal justice requires only a high school diploma or GED, more agencies are requiring a minimum of 60 hours of post-high school education as a condition of employment.