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Lucknow University BSc Admission 2023: Dates, Fees, Eligibility, Entrance, Application Form

Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
State University

Bachelor of Science [B.Sc]

Course Fees

Course Duration

3 Years

Tuition Fees

4.28 K

1 Year Fees

8.55 K

Total Fees

25.66 K

Detailed Fees

Yearsyear 1year 2year 3
Total Year Wise fees8,5548,5548,554
Total Fees₹4277₹4277₹4277₹4277₹4277₹4277
Tuition fees₹4277₹4277₹4277₹4277₹4277₹4277

Course Information

Course Description

Lucknow University B.Sc admission 2023 is ongoing. The university has released the B.Sc second allotment results. Candidates can check the seat allotment results through the official website – lkouniv.ac.in. The last date to confirm the seat allotment and payment of fees is August 15, 2023. Check Lucknow University Admission 2023

Lucknow University offers a total of 11 B.Sc courses under the Faculty of Arts and two other courses, namely, B.Sc Agriculture and B.Sc Yoga under the Faculty of Yoga and Alternative Medicine at the undergraduate level. The whole B.Sc course is divided into 8 departments of the institute.

  • B.Sc degree is spread across a duration of 6 semesters, i.e, 3 Years.
  • Students are also permitted to complete the course in a duration of 5 Years.
  • The basic eligibility criteria to be eligible for B.Sc courses is that the candidates must have passed 10+2 in relevant discipline with a minimum of 40% aggregate marks.
  • A relaxation of 7% is provided to SC/ ST candidates.
  • Students are generally required to appear for the entrance exam to be eligible for a B.Sc course.
  • Counselling rounds are then conducted for the final admission process.

Lucknow University B.Sc Important Dates 2023

Events Dates
Starting of Application Form March 28, 2023
Last date to fill the application form July 04, 2023
UG Entrance Test (UGET) July 10 – July 16, 2023
Merit List July 23, 2023
Registration and Choice Filling for Counselling July 23 – July 27, 2023
First Allotment July 28, 2023
Online Seat Confirmation Fees July 29 – August 02, 2023
Second Allotment August 12, 2023
Online Seat Confirmation Fees August 12 – August 15, 2023

Lucknow University B.Sc Eligibility Criteria

Aspirants seeking admissions to B.Sc course at Lucknow University are only found eligible depending on the following grounds:

  • Candidates seeking admissions to the Biology group of the B.Sc course must have passed intermediate Science (with Biology group) or equivalent examinations.
  • For admissions to the Mathematics group of the B.Sc course candidates must have passed intermediate Science (with Mathematics group) or equivalent examinations.
  • Candidates belonging to General Category and Other Backward Classes must also have secured at least 40% in aggregate in 10+2 examinations or equivalent.
  • Those who belong to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes must have secured at least 33% in aggregate in 10+2 examinations or equivalent, i.e, a relaxation of 7% is provided to them.
  • Candidates interested in the B.Sc Yoga must have passed intermediate with science with 45% aggregate marks for general and OBC category students whereas a minimum of 40% is required for SC/ ST candidates.
  • For admission, candidates must also have obtained valid scores in the entrance exam conducted by the university itself. 

Lucknow University B.Sc Admission Guidelines

Admissions to B.Sc courses at Lucknow University is granted on the basis of the UGET entrance examination conducted by the university. However, candidates are also required to have a good academic performance to be eligible for B.Sc courses. The application process for the B.Sc course can be completed in the below-mentioned steps.

  1. Registration:
    • Visit the official website of Lucknow University.
    • Register yourself by filling in the necessary details on the registration portal. 
    • Candidates will then receive their login credentials at the registered email id and mobile number.
  2. Filling up of Application Form:
    • Log in using your login credentials.
    • Fill up the application form with necessary academic, educational, and personal details such as 12th marks and roll number.
  3. Uploading of Photograph and Signature:
    • Upload passport size photograph and scanned signature in JPEG format.
    • Preview your application form and edit if any changes are found.
  4. Payment of Fees:
    • Submit the application form and proceed to pay the application fee.
    • The application fee is INR 800 (INR 1800 with additional INR 1000 late fee) for General and OBC category candidates and INR 400 for SC/ ST candidates (INR 1400 with additional INR 1400 late fee). Submit the application fee using Credit Card, Debit Card, or Net Banking.
    • Take the print out of the fee receipt and along with the application form for future reference.

Documents Required:

  • Scanned Photograph
  • Scanned Signature
  • High School and Intermediate Mark sheet
  • Photo ID proof such as Aadhar Card, Voter ID, Driving License, Passport
  • EWS Certificate
  • Caste certificate
  • Income Certificate

Read MoreLucknow University Courses & Fees

Lucknow University B.Sc Course Details

The B.Sc program at Lucknow University is offered in two different groups, i.e, Biology and Mathematics group and across different specializations. Below mentioned are the details.

S.No Specializations
1. Chemistry
2. Botany
3. Zoology
4. Geology
5. Anthropology
6. Genetics & Genomics
7. Physics
8. Mathematics
9. Astronomy
10. Computer Science
11. Statistics
12. Yoga
13. Agriculture

B.Sc course is also offered across different subject combinations across the two groups. Below mentioned are the details of the same provided by the institute.

S.No Group Combinations
1 B.Sc Biology Group Chemistry, Botany & Zoology
Zoology, Botany & Geology
Geology, Botany & Chemistry
Botany, Geology & Anthropology
Zoology, Botany & Anthropology
Zoology, Geology & Anthropology
Genetics & Genomics, Chemistry & Botany
2 B.Sc Mathematics Group Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics
Physics, Mathematics & Geology
Physics, Mathematics & Astronomy
Physics, Mathematics & Computer Science
Mathematics, Statistics & Computer Science
Physics, Mathematics & Statistics
3 B.Sc Yoga -
4 B.Sc Agriculture -


The syllabus for each course specialization is divided into 6 semesters. Below mentioned are the syllabus details for the same.

  1. B.Sc Botany Syllabus: Syllabus of B.Sc Botany is divided into a total of 10 Papers. Each paper is assigned 4 credits and includes a total of 4 units with different topics. Below are the details regarding the same.
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 3 Semester 4 Semester 5 Semester 6
Paper I: Diversity of Plant Viruses, Bacteria, & Fungi Paper III: Diversity of Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, and Elementary Palaeobotany Paper IV: Angiosperms: Taxonomy, Morphology and Embryology Paper V: Cytology, Genetics Paper VII: Plant Biochemistry  Paper IX: Ecology, Soil Science and Evolution
Paper II: Diversity of Algae, Lichens, and Bryophytes Practical Practical Paper VI: Plant Physiology Paper VIII: Plant Resource Utilization, Palynology and Biostatistics Paper X: Environmental Botany and Plant Pathology
Practical Paper XI: Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
Read More: B.Sc Botany 1st Year Syllabus Read More: B.Sc Botany 2nd Year Syllabus Read More: B.Sc Botany 3rd Year Syllabus
  1. B.Sc Chemistry: Below tabulated are the syllabus details.
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 3 Semester 4 Semester 5 Semester 6
Paper 1: Inorganic Chemistry Paper 3: Physical Chemistry Paper 4: Physical Chemistry Paper 5: Inorganic Chemistry Paper 7: Organic Chemistry Paper 9: Inorganic Chemistry
Paper 2: Organic Chemistry Practical Practical Paper 6: Organic Chemistry Paper 8: Physical Chemistry Paper 10: Inorganic Chemistry
Practical Paper 11: Organic & Physical Chemistry
Read More: B.Sc Chemistry Semester 1 syllabus Read More: B.Sc Chemistry Semester 2 syllabus Read More: B.Sc Chemistry Semester 3 syllabus Read More: B.Sc Chemistry Semester 4 syllabus Read More: B.Sc Chemistry Semester 5 syllabus Read More: B.Sc Chemistry Semester 6 syllabus
  1. B.Sc Computer Science Syllabus: Below mentioned are the course details.
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 3 Semester 4 Semester 5 Semester 6
Computer Fundamentals Programming in C Data Structure using C++ Operating System Database and Software Engineering Application Development with Java and .NET Framework
System Analysis and Design Practical Practical Management Information System Computer Architecture and Microprocessor Data Communication and Computer Network
Advanced Computing Technology Practical
Read More: B.Sc Computer Science 1st Year Syllabus Read More: B.Sc Computer Science Year 2 syllabus Read More: B.Sc Computer Science 3rd Year syllabus
  1. B.Sc Geology Syllabus: Below mentioned are the course details.
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 3 Semester 4 Semester 5 Semester 6
Paper 1: Physical Geology Paper 1: Crystallography and Mineralogy  Paper 1: Palaeontology Paper 1: Precambrian to Palaeozoic Stratigraphy Paper 1: Sedimentology Paper 1: Economic Geology
Paper 2: Structural Geology Practical Practical Paper 2: Petrology Paper 2: Mesozoic to Quaternary Stratigraphy Paper 2: Applied Geology and Global Tectonics
Practical Paper 3: Remote Sensing and Environmental Geology
Read More: B.Sc Geology Syllabus
  1. B.Sc Astronomy: B.Sc astronomy syllabus for the final year is not yet updated on the university website. Students are advised to stay in touch with the university curriculum for more details. Below mentioned is the updated syllabus for the first and second year only.
Year 1 Year 2
Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 3 Semester 4
Paper I : Spherical Astronomy I Paper I : General Astronomy II Paper I : Spherical Astronomy II Paper I : Stellar Astronomy II
Paper II: General Astronomy I Practical Paper II: Stellar Astronomy I Practical
Read More: B.Sc Astronomy 1st & 2nd Year Syllabus
  1. B.Sc Mathematics: Below mentioned are the syllabus details.
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 3 Semester 4 Semester 5 Semester 6
Paper I: Differential Calculus Paper I: Matrices & Differential Equations Paper I: Algebra Paper I: Differential Equations Paper I : Numerical Analysis Paper I : Analysis 
Paper II: Integral Calculus Paper II: Geometry Paper II: Mathematical Methods Paper II: Mechanics Paper II: Linear & Abstract Algebra Paper II: Differential Geometry & Tensor Analysis
Paper III: Linear Programming Paper III: Discrete Mathematics 
Read More: B.Sc Mathematics Semester 1 syllabus Read More: B.Sc Mathematics Semester 2 syllabus Read More: B.Sc Mathematics Semester 3 syllabus Read More: B.Sc Mathematics Semester 4 syllabus Read More: B.Sc Mathematics Semester 5 & 6 syllabus
  1. B.Sc Physics Syllabus: Below mentioned are the course details.
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 3 Semester 4 Semester 5 Semester 6
Paper 1: Mechanics and Wave Motion Paper 1: Optics Paper 1: Electricity and Magnetism Paper 1: Thermal Physics and Elementary Statistical Mechanics Paper 1: Electronics Paper 1: Mathematical Methods and Numerical Techniques
Paper 2: Circuit Fundamentals and Basic Electronics Practical Practical Paper 2: Elements of Modern Physics Paper 2: Nuclear Physics Paper 2: Elements of Relativistics and Classical Mechanics
Practical Paper 3: Solid State Physics
Read More: B.Sc Physics Semester 1 syllabus Read More: B.Sc Physics Semester 2 syllabus Read More: B.Sc Physics Semester 3 syllabus Read More: B.Sc Physics Semester 4 syllabus Read More: B.Sc Physics Semester 5 & 6 syllabus
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  1. B.Sc Statistics: Below mentioned are the course details.
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 3 Semester 4 Semester 5 Semester 6
Paper 1: Probability Paper 1: Probability Distributions and Numerical Analysis Paper 1: Statistical inference Paper 1: Analysis of Variance and Design of Experiments Paper 1: Regression Analysis and Non-Parametric Methods Paper 1: Operations Research
Paper 2: Statistical Methods Paper 2: Practical Paper 2: Survey Sampling Practical Educational Statistics and Quality Control Paper 2: Applied Statistics
Optimization Techniques Practical
Read More: B.Sc Statistics syllabus
  1. B.Sc Zoology: Below mentioned are the course details.
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 3 Semester 4 Semester 5 Semester 6
Paper 1: Lower Non-Chordata- I (Protozoa to Helminths) Paper 1: Cell Biology and Genetics Paper 1: Chordata Paper 1: Animal Physiology and Biochemistry Paper 1: Animal Behavior, Chronobiology Endocrinology and Neurobiology Paper 1: Molecular Biology and Immunology
Paper 2: Higher Non-Chordata ( Annelida to Echinodermata) Practical Practical Paper 2: Evolutionary Biology and Developmental Biology Paper 2: Economic Zoology Paper 2: Bioinstrumentation, Biotechnology, Bioinformatics and Biostatistics
Practical Paper 3: Environmental Biology, Wildlife and Toxicology
Read More: B.Sc Zoology 1st and 2nd Year syllabus Read More: B.Sc Zoology 3rd Year syllabus

Note: Syllabus for some courses is not yet updated on the official website.


  • The entire B.Sc course is divided into 6 semesters. The Odd semester starts from the month of July and continues till December whereas the Even semester starts from the month of January and continues till June.
  • The examinations are conducted at the end of each semester. 
  • For odd semesters, the time period for conduction of examinations is in the month of December whereas, for even semesters, they are conducted in the month of May/ June.
  • Candidates are required to get enrolled or registered for the first semester examinations.


Evaluation for each course is done through the CIA, which is the continuous internal assessment and end semester examinations. 

    1. Internal Assessment: 20% weightage of a course
  1. Project/Assignment: 10 marks
  2. Presentation on given project/assignment: 05 marks
  3. Attendance/activities: 05 marks
    1. End Semester Exam: 80% weightage of a course 

Minimum passing marks for External Examinations shall be 33%, i.e, 27 marks out of 80 marks and 33 out of 100 marks for theory as well as practical courses.

Lucknow University B.Sc Fee Structure

The detailed fee structure for the B.Sc courses is as follows:

Course Subject Group Basic Fee (INR Per Semester) Applicable Fee at the time of Admission
B.Sc Mathematics Group Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics 4277 9277
Physics, Mathematics & Statistics 4277 9277
Physics, Mathematics & Geology 4277 10,777
Physics, Mathematics & Astronomy 4277 9277
Physics, Mathematics & Computer Science 4277 12,277
Mathematics, Statistics & Computer Science 4277 12,277
Physics, Mathematics & Computer Science 13,580 14,580
B.Sc Biology Group  Chemistry, Botany & Zoology 4277 11,277
Zoology, Botany & Geology  4277 12,777
Geology, Botany & Chemistry 4277 12,777
Botany, Geology & Anthropology 4277 12,777
Zoology, Botany & Anthropology 4277 11,277
Zoology, Geology & Anthropology 4277 12,777
Genetics & Genomics, Chemistry & Botany 4277 24,277

Lucknow University B.Sc FAQs

Ques. How can I do my B.Sc. at Lucknow University?

Ans. For pursuing a bachelor's in science from Lucknow University one has to fill the application form for admissions in Lucknow University campus after then one has to appear for the entrance test conducted by the university. University will release the cutoff and merit list and the qualifying candidates are eligible for admission. For more details, keep visiting the Lucknow university official website.

Ques. How can I score 75% in B.Sc mathematics at Lucknow University?

Ans. It is not tough to score 79% in B.Sc and around 85% in maths only. The only things that you have to do are the followings:
  1. Visit your classes daily.
  2. Ask teachers when you are confused.
  3. Solve questions from various other books available in the Tagore library.
  4. Don't just stick to your syllabus.
  5. Make your notes.

Ques. What is the syllabus of B.Sc PCM at Lucknow University?

Ans. One who has had PCM at the plus level should be able to do just fine at the B.Sc PCM level. Bachelors of Science in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics will need one to understand and indeed master the fundamentals of all core sciences. One should develop a strong base in mathematics as well as mathematical knowledge is required to properly understand PCM. Once the basics of PCM are understood well, the syllabus in its entirety will appear to be much easier. For instance, in physics, one should study thermodynamics, mechanics, and electromagnetism in depth. Since these topics form the basis of most of the other topics in physics. Similarly, in chemistry, the student must study all chapters of organic and inorganic chemistry well. If you do so, you should be able to pass the course with flying colors. At the end of the day, you need good teachers who can provide good guidance.

Ques. What is the syllabus for the entrance exam at Lucknow University for a BSc in maths?

AnsEntrance Test General Guidelines: The entrance test will consist of 100 objective type questions to be answered in 90 minutes. The marking pattern for each question will be of 4 marks. One mark will be deducted for each incorrect answer. The zero marks will be awarded for each unattempted question. In the entrance test, there will be questions from subjects that are taught at the intermediate level in various boards like UP board, ISC, and CBSE. B.Sc (Mathematics Group) questions will be asked from - Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics.

Ques. What are the preferred syllabi for the entrance of a B.Sc in the Biology group at Lucknow University?

Ans. Lucknow University conducts entrance exams for both PG and UG courses. For B.Sc Biology, you will have a 100 marks paper. It will be MCQ based assessment. You will score 4 marks for every correct answer and one negative mark for the wrong answer. As far as the syllabus is concerned prepare some questions related to your subjects such as chemistry, zoology and botany. Some questions on numerical ability, reasoning, the verbal ability will be asked like any other general entrance exams. Prepare some questions on current affairs and general knowledge too.

Course Details

Computer Science

Total Fees

Duration3 Years
Number of Seats-
Type of CourseFull Time
Mode of TeachingOn Campus

Total Fees

Duration4 Years
Number of Seats-
Type of CourseFull Time
Mode of TeachingOn Campus

Total Fees

Duration3 Years
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Type of CourseFull Time
Mode of TeachingOn Campus

Total Fees

Duration3 Years
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Type of CourseFull Time
Mode of TeachingOn Campus

Total Fees

Duration3 Years
Number of Seats-
Type of CourseFull Time
Mode of TeachingOn Campus
Genetics & Genomics

Total Fees

Duration3 Years
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Type of CourseFull Time
Mode of TeachingOn Campus

Total Fees

Duration3 Years
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Type of CourseFull Time
Mode of TeachingOn Campus

Total Fees

Duration3 Years
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Type of CourseFull Time
Mode of TeachingOn Campus

Total Fees

Duration4 Years
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Type of CourseFull Time
Mode of TeachingOn Campus

Total Fees

Duration3 Years
Number of Seats-
Type of CourseFull Time
Mode of TeachingOn Campus

Total Fees

Duration3 Years
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Type of CourseFull Time
Mode of TeachingOn Campus

Total Fees

Duration3 Years
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Type of CourseFull Time
Mode of TeachingOn Campus

Total Fees

Duration3 Years
Number of Seats-
Type of CourseFull Time
Mode of TeachingOn Campus


Highest Placement₹ 5.0 Lakhs
Average Placement₹ 3.1 Lakhs
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Answered Questions

University of Lucknow - [LU]: 20 answered questions


Srilekha Maitro

30 Sept21

If you are deciding to prepare for any competitive exam, then Lucknow University can be a good choice. You will additionally secure a degree from a state-run university which can help contribute to providing ample time for personal studies.

The faculty of Lucknow University does not specifically concentrate on teaching students everything. If ever required, the faculty takes initiative to cooperate, despite unnatural pitfalls. But, the motive of preparation depends entirely upon you.

It is suggested that you study and prepare for further exams on your own, alongside the assistance of faculty, if deemed necessary at any point. 

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Vishal Rajput

30 Sept21

Lucknow University is renowned to offer a bunch of different courses, within which B.Tech is a freshly inaugurated branch that started anew in the year 2017. 

  • Since it is extremely new in cases alike, the placements are not highly fruitful at present. In light of this fact, there is currently no alumni network as well. 
  • Unlike many other universities, you are expected to work harder than anticipated, so as to grab a position in the job sector.
  • Your career essentially depends upon how ready you are to prepare in the best way possible. 
  • No amount of external guidance can assist you in gaining a fruitful career prospect, let alone the university. Prepare thoroughly while pursuing any course you are inclined towards. 
  • You can also choose to prepare for either of the major competitive exams, GATE, CAT, IES among others.

Moreover, only choose Lucknow University if you are devoid of any options. Other than that, there is absolutely no issue in joining Lucknow University. 

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Sayani Saha

04 Oct21

I have a few friends from Lucknow University and according to them, for the entrance examination, it focuses more on the syllabus of your 11th and 12th commerce subjects mainly. There will be a total of 75 questions based on these subjects.

The topics covered in the examination are as follows. 

  • Business Studies,
  • Accounts,
  • Economics,
  • Math, and
  • Current Affairs.

Further, Current Affairs is not a particular subject but is all about what is happening all around you. It is just a basic knowledge of what is happening in the world around us and this constitutes about 25 questions of the test.

You can acquire books and study materials online for the LU entrance examination. 

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Arnav Dasgupta

04 Oct21

Whether you should choose Lucknow University or National Postgraduate College, depends on your priorities. 

If you only want to focus on your studies then you can opt for National PG College. But if you want to do your studies as well as a part-time job or want to pursue some professional courses like C.A, C.S, then you should go for Lucknow University. 

At National PG college you will need to have at least 75% attendance. Whereas, LU doesn’t have such attendance rule. You can easily give your papers. 

Some of the advantages of joining National PG college are that it is disciplined, the faculties are great, and they follow their own syllabus. While LU offers a huge campus, it also offers more subject combinations for its courses. 

Both institutes have their advantages and disadvantages, so choose according to your convenience. 

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Damini Jha

04 Oct21

There is no specific exam pattern you will get to see for the entrance exam at Lucknow University. The exam pattern keeps changing year by year. Here is a rough pattern that LU follows. 

  • GK: 20 questions.
  • Reasoning: 20 questions.
  • 10+2(Intermediate): 50 questions.
  • Hindi and English literature (5+5): 10 questions.

This pattern is also followed for the entrance of National PG College and IT College (Lucknow) as well.

Now as you want to prepare for the entrance exam then I will suggest you visit Amazon to purchase books for the LU entrance exam. If you are an average student but your basics are clear then you can easily crack this exam.

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Sudha Singh

06 Oct21

The Rashtra Gaurav exam at Lucknow University is held in objective type and is held every year.

It is mandatory for all the students to appear and pass this exam throughout their time of graduation. You appear on any year of your graduation but you need to pass it on a single.

The question paper includes 100 objective type questions from the following topics: Ancient history, Environment, Biodiversity and more similar topics.

There is no negative marking and to pass this exam you need to score at least 33 marks

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Adrija Sen,

08 Nov21

Since Lucknow University has started conducting entrance exams in MCQ form for Undergraduate and in descriptive form for Postgraduate level. Previous year’s papers are not available in the market and the ones available are not the original. They are based on memory or model paper type.

To prepare for the UG level, revise the 10+2 level syllabus of the concerned course and for the PG level revise UG notes. It would be enough to score well in the exam.

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Ajita Sharma Thukran

30 Sept21

If you are trying to make an appearance in the corporate world, then stepping into a university with prospects as much as what Lucknow University has would not necessarily turn out good at the end of the day. 

There is a broader reason why:

  • Choosing to pursue an intensive course like MBA might not be fruitful if you opt for a particularly obscure university.
  • The professors of the university can be highly qualified and professional in what they have done until now. 
  • Lucknow University has not quite sntached the attention, when placements are considered.
  • The pedagogy of the faculty is undoubtedly exceptional, but the administration does not take responsibility for placement opportunities.

If you are particularly focusing on your academic credentials, besides your location tethered to Lucknow itself, then Lucknow University can be a good choice; but in no case otherwise. 

It is best that you reach out to several faculty members of the institute closely attached to Lucknow University, for better guidance regarding your course structure.

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Sambhav Dasgupta

27 Jul22

Allahabad University LLB will be a better option. Being a central university it offers better academics and resources. The Law faculty of Allahabad University is excellent. The environment on campus is competitive and inspires learning. As a student of AU, you will also have a locational advantage, since Allahabad Highcourt is located closer to the campus. 

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Aritra Chaterjee

04 Oct21

The hostel fees of Lucknow University completely depends upon the course. It varies depending on whether your course is regular or self-financed.

As you have not mentioned your course hence, I would tell you that for the regular course the fees of Hostel accommodation fees are around INR 60000 per annum.

Recently, the price has been raised and now it is INR 6750 for the hostel. Also, you will have to submit a security fee which will be returned to you later.

f your time there.

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