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Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research - [JNCASR], Bangalore

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Important Updates for Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research Bangalore} }

Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR) Admission 2023 is open for Summer Research Fellowship Program. The Last Date to apply is February 28, 2023. Interested candidates can apply through www.jncasr.ac.in.

Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR) is a premier research institute located in Bangalore, India. Established in 1989, JNCASR is accredited by the NAAC with an 'A' grade, and it has been recognized as a "Centre of Excellence" by the Department of Science and Technology (DST) and the UGC. 

JNCASR offers several interdisciplinary courses and research programs in the fields of science and engineering such as M.S, MSc, PhD, and Postgraduate Diploma programs in Materials Science. The institute also offers integrated M.S./Ph.D. programs in Materials Science and Chemical Science. Admissions to the Ph.D. and M.S./Ph.D. programs at JNCASR are based on a written entrance examination followed by an interview. The institute also admits students through national-level examinations like CSIR-UGC NET, JEST, GATE, and JAM. Check JNCASR Admission 2023

NCASR has collaborations with several premier scientific institutions and universities around the world, including MIT, Harvard, and the Max Planck Society. These collaborations provide opportunities for students and researchers to work on cutting-edge research projects and gain exposure to international research environments. The institute has an excellent track record of placing its students in top research institutions, universities, and industries around the world. JNCASR also provides opportunities for its students to do internships in premier research institutions and industries, both in India and abroad.

JNCASR Courses and Fees

JNCASR offers various courses such as Diploma, MS (by Research), Ph.D., MSc in Chemistry and Integrated Ph.D. In the areas of science and engineering. The table below gives a detail of the courses, their eligibility, selection criteria, and fees:

Courses Details Course Fees
Ph.D. Eligibility: 50% in M.Sc (Chemistry or Electronics or Mathematics or Physics or Materials Science) OR B.E. or B.Tech. in Electrical or Metallurgy OR M.E. or M.Tech. Chemical or Electronics or Electrical
Selection criteria: GATE or GPAT or JEST or UGC NET or CSIR NET or ICMR JRF or DBT JRF or INSPIRE JRF followed by an interview
     INR 10,000 (1st Year Fees) 
Integrated Ph.D. Eligibility criteria: Candidates should have a minimum of 55% marks at the Bachelor’s level (B.Sc. or B.E or B.Tech.) Selection criteria: GATE or GPAT or JEST or UGC NET or CSIR NET or ICMR JRF or DBT JRF or INSPIRE JRF followed by an interview INR 5,000 (1st Year Fees) 
MS (Research) Eligibility criteria: BE or B.Tech or ME or M.Tech or MBBS with 50% marks in aggregate
Selection criteria: GATE or GPAT or JEST or UGC NET or CSIR NET or ICMR JRF or DBT JRF or INSPIRE JRF followed by an interview
INR 7,000 (1st Year Fees) 
MS (Engineering) Eligibility: MSc or BE/BTech or ME/MTech with 50% marks
INR 7,000 (1st-year fees)
MSc  Elgibility: Bachelor’s Degree in Science discipline with Chemistry as a major subject and at least 55% marks
Selection Criteria: JAM +Interview
INR 5,000 (1st-year fees)
PG Diploma Eligibility criteria: B.Sc or M.Sc. with or without B.Ed. S
election criteria
: Marks in the qualifying examination+Interview

Check More: JNCASR Courses & Fees

JNCASR offers admissions to Ph.D., Integrated Ph.D. programs, MS(by Research), MSc in Chemistry, and PG Diploma programs. Admissions to Ph.D. and MS by Research is based on GATE/GPAT/JEST/UGC NET/ ICMR JRF/DBT JRF scores followed by interview conducted by the institute. While Admissions to Integrated Ph.D. is based on a Written Test conducted by JNCASR followed by an Interview. The application process starts in February and is a two-step process. In Step 1, candidates are required to register and verify their email address while the second step involves filling out the application form. Admissions to PG Diploma at JNCASR starts in June and Selection is based on merit in the qualifying examination.

JNCASR Application Process

Candidates seeking admission to JNCASR can apply online on the official website of the University.  The application fee is INR 500 which is non-refundable and is to be paid through NET banking, Debit Card, Credit Card, etc. The following steps can be performed to fill in the application process:

  • Visit the official website of the university:
  • Fill out the application form including details such as name, email id, Contact Number, Date of Birth, Qualification, etc.
  • Upload the necessary documents and pay the registration fees of INR 500.
  • Further, take a printout of the application form for document verification with original documents at the time of counseling. 

Check More:  JNCASR Admissions

JNCASR Scholarships

All admitted students to the Center's programs get scholarships or fellowships that are more than enough to pay their tuition and living costs, such as hostel fees and other expenses. The college also offers loans and fellowships to the students. The nominal scholarship package is as follows:

  • Summer Research Fellowship: JNCASR offers summer fellowships for 2 months to students which the Department of Science and Technology supports, the government of India. Students are placed with research groups at JNCASR or with scientists elsewhere and are paid travel expenses and a monthly stipend of INR 10,000.
  • Fellowships Programmes:
    • Ph.D. students will earn a JRF/SRF of INR 31,000 per month for the first two years and INR 35,000 per month for the next three years, according to government guidelines.
    • MS by Research/MS by Engineering students will get a monthly stipend of INR 31,000 as well as a one-time travel grant of up to INR 40,000 to attend international/national conferences.
    • Integrated Ph.D. students are paid Rs.19000/- for the first two years, Rs.31,000/- for the third and fourth years, and Rs.35,000/- for the fifth, sixth, and seventh years.

Check More:  JNCASR Scholarships

JNCASR Placements

The college offers a lot of opportunities to students. Numerous well-known businesses come to this college every year to recruit students Many students at this college can also participate in internships. However, most of the students go for further research projects. The analysis of 2023 is given below

Particulars Placement Statistics 2023
First year total students intake 23
Total students admitted 23
Total Graduated Students 18
Total Placed Students 1
Total student gone for higher studies 17
Median Salary 4.2 L
Parameters Number
Total students seeking admission 351
Number of students placed 10%
Number of students pursuing further education 90%
Average package offered 5.5 Lacs per annum

Check More: JNCASR Placements

JNCASR Facilities

  • Library: The JNCASR library is well-stocked, with a collection of 9,662 books and access to nearly 4,000 scientific journals. The library continues to acquire, organize, and disseminate information resources in order to provide teachers, students, and researchers with need-based information services. Document delivery, inter-library lending, current awareness, and bibliometric research are also available at the library. In 2019-2020, 95 new books were added, and 167 new journal subscriptions were obtained. Furthermore, 77 new patrons joined the library, bringing the total number of current patrons to 699.
  • Gym: The Center has put up gym facilities for both students and residential staff members, complete with current equipment and clothing. A qualified Gym Instructor is also appointed to assist students in carrying out fitness drills correctly. The multi-gym room features a 10-station multi-gym, Power Tower, bench press, multi-purpose bench press, Twister, Ab rollers, Dumbbells ranging from 1.5 kg to 25 kg, Steel weight plates and rods, a music system, and RO water.
  • Hostels: The Jawahar Students Hostel on the IISc Gymkhana Campus contains 15 rooms for visiting students. The daily room rate for Centre Students is Rs 100/- per person.
  • Workshops: The AMRL Block workshop has a Lathe that can execute Turning, Phasing Boring, and Threading operations. The tabletop 4 access CNC Milling Machine will assist sheet work for soft materials cutting and other associated work, as well as 3D printing using CAD Design from research labs. Additionally, tool grinding, drilling, and limited fabrication work can be performed here.


The details of a few renowned alumni is given below:

Name of Alumni Pass out year Research Project
Dr. Nishit Srivastava 2012 Stem cell differentiation on stretchable conducting substrates
Dr. Sabyasachi Mukhopadhyay 2012 Studies of a active layer morphology in bulk-heterojunction polymer based solar cells using optical and force micrsoscopy methods
Dr. Anshuman Jyothi Das 2013 Light harvesting stratergies for large area, stable and efficient organic solar cells
Dr. Vini Gautam 2014 Optoelectronic polymer devices for biomimicking visual response and developing neuronal interfaces for artificial retina applications
Dr. Ashar AZ 2017 Surface engineering and lateral charge transport studies in organic and hybrid organic inorganic systems


Ques. How to get admission into JNCASR?

Ans. Tse admission takes place in two steps, the students are supposed to fill the online application form followed by the interview. The application fee charges are 500 Rs. JNCASR has 351 students enrolled in the Center's various academic programmes. The college also has students enrolled in the Integrated Ph. D., M. S., and M. S. (Engg.) programmes, albeit the bulk of these students are seeking Ph. Ds.

Ques. What courses are offered by JNCASR?

Ans. The college offers programmes for the PG Diploma, MS (by Research), Ph.D., and Integrated Ph.D. in the fields of science and engineering. All courses provided by JNCASR have a two-step online application process.

Ques. What are the fees for Ph.D at JNCASR?

Ans. The annual fees for Ph. D at JNCASR, however the fees are subjected to changes annually.

Ques. How to get a Ph.D at JNCASR?

Ans. After being accepted, you will enrol in foundational and advanced courses to assist you get ready for your research. Normally, the coursework is completed in about a year (two semesters). After completing the course work, you will begin working on a research problem that you and your research supervisor will select. The Department/Unit you join may choose the exact procedure. To develop a "feel" for research, you can begin working on a topic in the second semester itself. A comprehensive examination, also known as the pre-viva, which is akin to registering formally for the Ph. D. research, will be required of you after about two years.

Ques. What are the career opportunities after Ph.D at JNCASR?

Ans. Students typically carry on with their research. In the past, there were a lot fewer people pursuing doctorates, and there was a vast labour pool, making it possible to find employment in academia or other institutions right away. After receiving their Ph. D., students conduct post-doctoral research, either in India or overseas. Students can also work in the R&D (Research and Development) divisions of private businesses, government research institutions, and other organisations. After earning a Ph.D., one can also apply for teaching positions (such as Lecturer or Reader) in Indian universities. The few JNCASR graduates either work for huge Indian corporations or pursue postdoctoral research in the US and Western Europe.

Ques. How is the infrastructure at JNCASR?

Ans.The departmental websites will direct you to the top-notch research facilities. Here are a few examples of general infrastructure so you can get the idea. Internet usage and other computer-related activities: We have constant, secure internet connectivity. Everyone on campus has access to all computers, printers, and similar devices 24/7 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week). For further details, visit our computer laboratory's website. Communication: The Internet was discussed. Let's discuss telephones next. Every lab has a phone, and the dorms for the students each have an STD/ISD booth. All of the campus's laboratories have uninterruptible power supplies that are backed up by massive generators.

Ques. What other exposure is available at JNCASR?

Ans.Every Unit (department) hosts seminars all year round; typically, each Unit has roughly 30 seminars annually. Please visit each Unit's webpage for their presentations. Throughout the year, lectures on a variety of topics are presented by Center faculty and students. For further details, take a look at our hip academic calendar. Additionally, the students give informal weekly seminars during the evenings. We frequently host conferences, symposiums, and meetings with foreign participants. We also hold colloquia and named lectures, both of which feature well-known academics. Each year, on average, two Nobel laureates visit our campus to give lectures and engage with the Center's professors and students. Please go to the Archive of Events for more details.

Ques. How are the hostel facilities at JNCASR?

Ans.  At the Jakkur campus, there are more than 250 rooms in our hostels. Please refer to this page for more details. For male and female students, there are different floors in the hostel building. The students' residence contains a kitchen that is spotless and contemporary. The boarders share in the monthly mess bill. Student representatives decide on a nutritious food.

Ques. What is the eligibility criteria for Ph.D in JNCASR?

Ans. 50% in M.Sc. in Chemistry or Botany or Zoology or Biotechnology or Biochemistry or Life Sciences or M.B.B.S., M.D. or B.Tech. in Biotechnology or M.Sc. ot M.Tech. Bioinformatics or the eligible subject. Followed by an eligible GATE or GPAT or JEST or UGC NET or CSIR NET or ICMR JRF or DBT JRF or INSPIRE JRF scorecard followed by an interview.

Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research Bangalore Popular Courses

Full Time Courses

Top Courses
1st Year FeesTotal FeesEligibilityApplication Dates
Ph.D (Science)

+1 More Ph.D Courses 

₹10,500₹31,500Post Graduation15 Apr 2024
M.Sc (Research)

+1 More M.Sc Courses 

₹7,500₹15,000Post Graduation15 Apr 2024
M.Sc + Ph.D (Biological Science)

+2 More M.Sc + Ph.D Courses 

₹5,500₹63,500Graduation15 Apr 2024
M.Sc (Chemistry)₹5,500₹11,000Graduation15 Apr 2024

Top Courses, Fees & Eligibility

Select degree :
Ph.DM.Sc + Ph.DM.ScPG Diploma
Select stream :

1st Yr Fees

Duration3 Year(s)
Exams accepted
No Exams Found

Application Date15 Apr 2024
EligibilityPost Graduation
Cut off-RankingNo Ranking Found

1st Yr Fees

Duration7 Year(s)
Exams accepted
No Exams Found

Application Date15 Apr 2024
Cut off-RankingNo Ranking Found

1st Yr Fees

Duration2 Year(s)
Exams accepted
No Exams Found

Application Date15 Apr 2024
Cut off-RankingNo Ranking Found

1st Yr Fees

Duration3 Year(s)
Exams accepted
No Exams Found

Application Date15 Apr 2024
EligibilityPost Graduation
Cut off-RankingNo Ranking Found
Duration1 Year(s)
Exams accepted
No Exams Found

Application Date15 Apr 2024
Cut off-RankingNo Ranking Found

College Faculty

Basic Information About Faculty

Amitabh Joshi


Prof. Chandrabhas Narayana


Prof. Balasubramanian Sundaram


Hemalatha Balaram


Kavita Jain


Dr. Subi Jacob George


Dr. Udaykumar Ranga


Dr. A Sundaresan


College Facilities

Basic Information About Facilities

Comp Labs

College Ranking

Ranking of Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research - [JNCASR]

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JNCASR Bangalore Admission 2023 Open for Summer Research Fellowship Program
New Delhi: Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR), Bangalore is inviting applications for admission to its Summer Research Fellowship Program (SRFP) for the academic session 2023-24. Interested candidates can apply online till February 28, 2023.  As
IISER Thiruvananthapuram and JNCASR Bangalore Organised 5th International Chromosome Stability Meeting 2022
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Answered Questions

Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research - [JNCASR]: 8 answered questions


Barsha Roy,

25 Nov21

The campus at JNCASR is smaller when compared to other institutes, but it has a very welcoming ambience. 

  • The pressure depends on the course and also on the individual. 
  • The facilities provided here are at equal standards with some institutions of international repute. 
  • Here, you get to learn and perform techniques which are lacking in most of the institutions.
  • Many costly reagents and expensive machinery are used by students.
  • They are expected to be responsible enough to utilize these with care. 
  • The students here are brilliant in all aspects.

Students here are hardworking and determined to fulfill their goals. For this the college provides proper guidance and exposure required by them. So, it is recommended that you choose JNCASR if you are confident enough to match with their level.

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Seenu Arora

05 Nov22

Both are excellent institutions, but the experience will differ between the two. Whereas IISc is much larger and has a more vibrant student community, the smaller batches in JNCASR allow for more attention and a better chance of getting into at least one of their preferred labs.

IISC is smack dab in the middle of a commercial area (well, actually, the commercial areas grew around IISc, but let's not get into that). JNCASR is less centrally located and more of a sleepy campus. It's a completely different story after the second year when the pressure is intense and lab work can be extremely demanding. 

There are no holidays for students (not even Sundays or national holidays like the 15th of August or the 26th of January, but there is a flag hoisting event so you get off work for at least an hour) and most P.I.s do not allow paid leave of more than two weeks per year. This is not to say that there isn't any fun on campus. Most of the rules governing on-campus life are lax, and the guards and staff are laid-back and don't make a fuss when asked to overlook a few things.

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Sambridhi Ghose

26 Nov21

A few years back, my brother applied for the MS program in Engineering Mechanics at JNCASR. The written test was conceptual. They aim to test your mathematical skills and fluid mechanics knowledge. Solving the Mathematics portion can be easy if you know the proof of all concepts. There were also questions regarding Heat Transfer. 

The Interview will depend on what you have written in the test. They may ask to prove what you have written in the paper. They will ask you to choose a topic of your choice and ask questions about it. They will ask you about your B.Tech project. 

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Snighdhanjan Kar

26 Nov21

My sister applied for the integrated Ph.D. program in Biological Sciences at JNCASR, a few years back. They mostly asked her practical based questions in the interview. She was given problem sets, aptitude questions, and analytical questions. Most of the questions are aimed to judge your analytical skills. Rather than memorizing try to understand the concepts.

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Sudipta Ghose

26 Nov21

My brother got selected for the JNCASR SRFP program a few years back, for Chemical Sciences. He had a decent GPA and average research background. He wrote his application in simple language expressing why he want to pursue the program. Based on my brother’s experience, I will say the institute don’t select student based just on their GPA. In your application, state clearly why you want to pursue science. If you want to apply for the summer program, make sure you state your passion for science. 

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Ashmita Ghose

26 Nov21

Here is how you can apply for the integrated Ph.D. program at JNCASR. 

  • You can apply for the Int. P.hD. program from the official website.
  • Once shortlisted, you will need to go through the written test and interview.
  • Prepare well for the interview and perform well.
  • They will announce the result after 15-20 days.

You can also take IIT-JAM. It increases your chances of getting selected at reputed institutes. 

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Sandipan Mukharjee

26 Nov21

The general coursework for M.Sc Chemistry at JNCASR is not the best. But the research interface makes the course worthwhile. All the faculty members of the department are actively involved in research. They regularly publish in well-reputed journals. The research quality and the infrastructural facilities offered are great.

If you want a rigorous core curriculum, then you should first consider state universities followed by IITs. JNCASR is also a decent option for pursuing your M.Sc Chemistry degree. It offers specialization in either Material Chemistry or Chemical Biology. If research is your long-term goal, then choosing JNCASR Bangalore will be the best option. 

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Bisakha Mitra

26 Nov21

The written test taken for Integrated Ph.D. in Biological Science at JNCASR is mostly conceptual. If you paid attention during your bachelor’s lecture, then you can easily answer a large part of the questions asked. There will be questions from the syllabus of CBSC class 11-12 and a basic B.Sc in any branch of Biology at a central university. 

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