Product Design at The Glasgow School of Art is a degree with a long heritage, but possessing a future focused perspective on the discipline. Our notion of what a product is challenges tradition, encompassing everything from physical artifacts, to services and interactions, but with an emphasis upon creating tangible experiences. We aim to produce graduates who are able to apply their skills in response to diverse and evolving contexts, and can act as the creative and strategic link between technology and society.

Our students are encouraged to explore complex social, ethical and environmental issues as subject matter for design. They are asked to engage with and understand the people who will use and be affected by their designs, and learn to apply research methods and analytical skills from the Social Sciences in order to do so. Furthermore, our students are taught to be explorative and to learn to think through making, resulting in designers who are both critical and creative thinkers.

In addition to design studio practice, our students also acquire knowledge of a foreign language and a grounding in the theories and methods of the social sciences.

Our staff have skills and expertise in various disciplines such as product design, service design, interaction design, social innovation, participatory design, environmental design, engineering,Êsocial sciences, design ethnography, experiential design, biomedical science and bioethics.Ê