Students registered for the PhD in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics will normally have one of the Section staff as Supervisor, though sometimes specialists outside the Section will fulfill this role.

Prospective applicants can get an idea of the range of topics which can be supervised from the description of staff research interests, the list of members of the Faculty, and from the topics of current PhD students; but, since by definition doctoral research must be original, they should not hesitate to discuss ideas within or across areas of Linguistics which are not explicitly represented in these places.

Research Areas

All students belong to two research areas. One of these will be the primary area of research and the other a related field. Each area organises two half-day events per year which provide the opportunity to hear invited speakers and to present students' work. Students are also be expected to get involved in organising the events for their major area.

Research Training

All students must attend a prescribed amount of research training each year. Their personal programme for each year should be discussed with their supervisor. The Faculty's research training programme provides many useful courses, some of which are compulsory. In addition, the Section organises two research training sessions per term with topics of particular interest to linguistics PhD students. These are compulsory for all PhD students registered in the Section. All enquiries about these should be made to the Linguistics Graduate Teaching and Examinations Officer (GTEO) Dr David Willis.