The programme is designed around a set of modules that are common to all our ÔBusiness withÕ Masters pathways. These modules cover general business functions, strategic management and organisational analysis, developing your strategic awareness, leadership potential and understanding of the theory and practice of international business. In the second semester you will be given the opportunity to specialise in Marketing Management.

In the second semester you will build an understanding of the role of relationship marketing, and by doing so, recognise the importance of customer retention and the internal customer. You will also learn about the marketing processes within the context of a globalised world, with an understanding of the business implications.Ê

This course is part of our Newcastle Business School, which has a global reputation for delivering some of the best business management education in the UK. Newcastle Business School was the first in the UK to gain the prestigious double AACSB accreditation, an award held by only 1% of business schools globally, reflecting the calibre of our courses and teaching.