• This MSc in Financial Mathematics program provides students with the skills necessary in mathematics, statistics, and computation for a career in this fast-developing field. 
  • Students undertake modules to the value of 180 credits.
  • Students will develop a detailed understanding of the application of mathematics, statistics, and computation to problems in finance, and will gain the necessary practical tools for the pricing, hedging, and risk management of a diverse range of financial products in several asset classes.
  • The program consists of four core modules (60 credits), four optional modules (60 credits), and the research dissertation (60 credits).
  • The compulsory modules of the program are:
    • Statistical Methods and Data Analytics for Finance
    • Finance and Numerics
    • Market Risk and Portfolio Theory
    • Asset Pricing in Continuous Time
    • Financial Mathematics Project
  • All MSc students undertake an independent research project, which culminates in a research report of approximately 10,000 words.