• In the first year of the degree, students will take compulsory modules similar to those taken in the first year of other biosciences programmes. This will provide a firm interdisciplinary foundation for students studies. In year two students will take a number of compulsory modules, with some optional module flexibility. This flexibility will increase in year three so students can focus their studies on their preferred area of interest within the discipline.
  • Year three starts to build an integrated, research-based platform for the discovery of research skills and advanced molecular biosciences. It involves an advanced research project module and a compulsory literature-analysis project. It will prepare students for their final year, which is research-intensive.
  • The final year of the degree will focus principally on an extended (90 credit) research project. It will be supplemented by a research techniques module and a dissertation.
  • Upon successful completion of 480 credits, students will be awarded an MSci (Hons) in Biochemistry.