• The first two weeks of the first academic year with a two-week induction programme: Laws' Connections: Legal Doctrine and Contemporary Challenges.  Laws' Connections is designed to be an inspiring introduction to the study of law here at UCL Laws and to the role of law in addressing social challenges.
  • A compulsory extra-curricular placement at the UCL Centre for Access to Justice will also be undertaken during the first year.
  • The third and fourth years of study are spent at HKU. In Year Three students will study compulsory subjects and in Year Four they will study a combination of compulsory and elective subjects.  Students will also undertake a legal placement and write a dissertation at HKU.
  • Students enrolled will only be permitted to transfer to the three-year LLB degree at UCL or the four-year LLB degree at HKU in exceptional circumstances and with the approval of the respective institutions.
  • Upon successful completion of 360 credits, students will be awarded an LLB (Hons) in Bachelor of Law (UCL) and Bachelor of Law (HKU).